
This project is part of NUBOMEDIA

MultisensoryDataFilter (MsData)

The repository contains documentation for installing and utilising the MsData. The repository contains description of the architecture of the MsData and also the source code of the MsData implementation.

MsData implements multi-domain AR filter providing 2D graphics visualisation service to other modules through data pads. Data channels are utilized thus MsData Interface enables sending of different kinds of content based on the identification and variable arguments thus the format of the data is quite flexible. Developers can create new visualisations not yet known thus extending MsData. Example for drawing a graph is available. Because the filter needs to support data-pads, the filter is based on Kurento GStreamer module. Refer the Kurento documentation for a more complete view of the Kurento architecture.

The following image show the current visualisations provided ie heart rate, temperature and graph. In addition, speed meter visualisation is considered.

_images/sleeps.jpg _images/temperature.jpg _images/graph.jpg

Licensing and distribution

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Contribution policy

You can contribute to the Nubomedia community through bug-reports, bug-fixes, new code or new documentation. For contributing to the Nubomedia community, drop a post to the [Nubomedia Public Mailing List] providing full information about your contribution and its value. In your contributions, you must comply with the following guidelines

  • You must specify the specific contents of your contribution either through a detailed bug description, through a pull-request or through a patch.
  • You must specify the licensing restrictions of the code you contribute.
  • For newly created code to be incorporated in the Nubomedia code-base, you must accept Nubomedia to own the code copyright, so that its open source nature is guaranteed.
  • You must justify appropriately the need and value of your contribution. The Nubomedia project has no obligations in relation to accepting contributions from third parties.
  • The Nubomedia project leaders have the right of asking for further explanations, tests or validations of any code contributed to the community before it being incorporated into the Nubomedia code-base. You must be ready to addressing all these kind of concerns before having your code approved.


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